After several COVID related delays, distribution has begun. Hope Carrier bags are now in the hands of the children who need them. A day filled with anticipation, smiling faces and an energized staff, we held a successful distribution on March 3, 2021 in a village a couple of hours outside Hyderabad, India. We were able to provide roughly 100 kids with backpacks filled with essential school supplies, the book of John, discipleship lessons and other fun and useful items. Thank you for partnering with us to give these precious children a better chance at thriving in school!

A group of excited children waiting for their Hope Carrier backpack.

Hope Carrier volunteers preparing to hand out backpacks

Our backpack in yellow, orange and red with a close-up of some of the essential inserts that go in each school bag

A Hope Carrier volunteer takes a child through her backpack’s contents

A Hope Carrier volunteer shares a sweet moment with a local girl

Children listening to the story of Jesus as they wait for their backpack

Happy boys with their backpacks

Excited with her purple backpack and all of the goodies inside

Some of the children pose with our Hope Carrier volunteers after receiving their backpacks

Smiles all around!

A Hope Carrier volunteer walks two children home after the distribution

A Hope Carrier volunteer shows two boys lessons included in their school bags

A candid moment

Volunteers share their time and story with young people in the village

Volunteers have the opportunity to meet parents during distribution

We’re thankful for our hardworking volunteers!

Discovering what is inside the school bag is just as fun as receiving the bag

More smiles as the children see what they received

Children learn about Jesus from the Mailbox Club Lessons in each school bag

Water bottles are an important add-on as they allow children to drink clean water throughout the day

A joyful response to receiving their school bags

A small group of children walk home after receiving their backpacks